How to Make a Viral Video Production For Your Company
Hi folks, ok, so you know you can create a video and upload it to several online forums but you are not sure about the success of your video right ?. Well today, I’ll reveal some quick tips and tricks as well as secrets on how to make your video go viral. Without any doubts, entrepreneurs and business owners use video marketing tool to advertise their product or service. To achieve this goal, they want masses to watch their video.
First of all, bear in mind the fact that video marketing is not too difficult or too expensive. You just need the right tools and video content to make your video go viral. Let’s see what is the recipe of success.
What is the recipe of success?
- Create a short and to the point video.
- Make it simple yet entertaining to watch.
- Identify a significant issue in your market niche and offer an instant solution.
- Provide your viewers with valuable, useful and compelling information that can benefit them and solve their problem quickly and effortlessly.
- Create an organized assault with link bait. In this way, you can rank your video on the first page in the Google search within just 72 hours.
- Create a catchy title with keywords
- Professionally create and operate your YouTube channel and also link it back to your business web site.
- Upload your new videos to almost all the online forums such as You Tube, Twitter & Google plus
Face book etc. - Add a clear ‘call to action’ message in your videos.
- Urge people to like and share your videos
- Get the emails of as many people as you can and ask them to share your videos in their social circle.
- Offer link bait on your blog. For example: an ethical bribe that offers more knowledge, or a free gift, or an opportunity to win something of value in order to get them to link back to your site and share your video.
Other important aspects to consider: Release your video on Monday and Tuesday
People usually watch videos when they are in their office. Well, apparently, it doesn’t make a sense because you might think people watch videos on weekends. But according to the surveys, you can get good traffic if you release your business video on Monday or Tuesday.
Twist an already popular idea
We see lots of things becoming viral and popular. It may be an ad, film, movie or anything else. You can link your product or service with an already viral thing. In this way, you can also make your video popular. But remember, don’t copy the whole concept but twist it to match your business niche.
Present something unexpected
Videos often go viral because they are not based on ordinary themes, whether they do so with controversy, humor, or heart-touching stories about humanity. You can present your product or service in an unexpected manner. People usually like different things.
Final thought
Video is a powerful medium for spreading your message, whether you want to advertise your business or show off your creative skills. However, it is easy for videos to slide into obscurity. By following the above mentioned tips, you can make a viral video. but for more infor check out htese links for greater deprth into the topic andlet us know about your thoughts in the comments:
Article by Nicole Delgado | Article Writer 2021 | The Explainer Video Company | Explainer Video Production
Originally published at on February 2, 2021.